
Privacy Policy

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In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (General Data Protection Regulation – RGPD), CALDERERIA Y MECANIZADOS TOMELLOSO S.L. (hereinafter CAMETO), through this privacy policy, informs website users about the processing of personal data that they have voluntarily provided during the browsing process, forms and requests for information and services.


CALDERERIA Y MECANIZADOS TOMELLOSO S.L., with registered office at Ctra. Tomelloso-La Solana, CM-3109 Km1, 13710 Argamasilla de Alba (Ciudad Real) and C.I.F. number B-13341748, is registered in the Commercial Registry of Ciudad Real, Volume 667, Folio 202, Sheet CR-11,392, Inscription 13ª. It is the entity responsible for the processing of the data provided by the clients of the Application (hereinafter, the User(s). We are at your disposal, do not hesitate to contact us.

Clients, suppliers or potential clients: Your data will be used in order to provide you with our services and maintain our business relationships. If you authorize it, they may also be used to send you advertising or promote our activities.
Employees and/or candidates: In general, your personal data will be used for the execution of the employment contract and the maintenance of the employment relationship with our entity. In this sense, your personal information will be used for purposes directly related to the fulfillment of the employment relationship, such as:
Compliance with legislation on Labor Law.
Compliance with legislation on Safety and Health at Work.
Time and presence control.
Staff training.
Human resources management in general.

Finally, there may be situations in which, after adopting all the appropriate guarantees for the respect of your rights and freedoms, the use of technological measures such as the use of video surveillance or geolocation systems may be necessary, in which case We will inform in a clear and simple way through graphic icons accompanied by the appropriate texts about the purposes of using said measures.

Why do we need to use your data?
Clients, suppliers or potential clients: Your personal data is necessary to be able to relate to you and provide you with our services, which allows us to use your information within the law.

CAMETO, through the forms that it makes available to the user, may collect the personal information that will be detailed below in order to adapt our commercial offers to your requests in order to offer you a more personalized and effective service: name and surname, address postal and email, telephone number.

The user provides the requested information voluntarily. Refusal to provide it has, as the only consequence for the user, not receiving information adjusted to their preferences or the services offered by the website.

By checking the corresponding box, the user expressly and freely accepts that their personal data will be processed by CAMETO for the following purposes:

Offer you the best experience (browsing, purchasing, etc.)
Contact the user in case any incident occurs in the contracted service.
Respond to user queries.
Send the user commercial communications, provided that they have given their specific consent to do so, and may revoke it at any time and by the same means.

CAMETO, as responsible for the file and processing of personal data, is obliged to maintain professional secrecy with respect to all of them, as well as to safeguard them, obligations that will subsist even after ending the relationship with the user.

Likewise, CAMETO makes use of social networks, specifically we have profiles on Linkedin, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram. It is possible that, in a specific advertising campaign, you will be asked for consent to use data related to you, such as a photograph that you have voluntarily decided to send us or obtain with one of our applications, in that case, to be able to use it. On our social networks and our website we will request express and explicit consent. To do this, we will provide you with a series of boxes that will allow you to decide in a clear and simple way about the use of your personal information.

Employees and/or candidates: Your personal data is necessary for the execution of the employment contract and to be able to maintain the employment relationship with our company.

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