
Cameto collaborates in the expansion of the Ávila WWTP


Cameto collaborates in the expansion of the Ávila WWTP

12/06/2015 Todor Petrov Comments Off

The engineering and boilermaking company Cameto has participated in the expansion works of the Ávila Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), which has been carried out by the joint venture formed by the companies Aqualia Infraestructuras and Volconsa.

The expansion of the Ávila WWTP is a project that began in 2013 and has involved an investment of more than 15 million euros, 70% of which has been financed by the Ministry of Development and Environment of Castilla. and León, through the Public Society of Infrastructure and Environment, and the rest by the Avila City Council.

With this expansion, this treatment plant located a few kilometers from the provincial capital can generate 35,000 cubic meters of treated water per day and meet the needs of an equivalent population of 326,669 inhabitants.

Water, pipe and boiler treatments by Cameto

In this important project, Cameto has developed various specialized works in the field of water treatment plants, pipes and boilermaking.

The company from La Mancha has been in charge of manufacturing various elements of this installation, among which we can highlight:

The construction of automatic gates and the installation of various locksmiths.
Installation of the digester gate.
Installation of manual gate and bars
Construction of 40 cubic meter hoppers
Burying pipes with different diameters
Drainage and support work, among others.

100% water purification with hollow fiber membranes

One of Cameto’s most relevant contributions in this project, closely related to the company’s environmental commitment, is the installation of hollow fiber membranes for ultrafiltration in the purification system of this WWTP.

In fact, thanks to this work on the expanded WWTP, the city of Ávila has become the only capital in Spain that purifies 100% of its water with hollow fiber membranes.

This system guarantees the highest quality water, something very important taking into account that the Avila wastewater treatment plant discharges into the Las Cogotas reservoir, from which many municipalities in the Cardeñosa area are supplied.

Commitment to quality in the expansion of the Ávila EDAR

Once again, Cameto has responded efficiently to its client’s requirements to deliver the assigned work in a timely manner, and with the expected quality.

The participation of Tomelloso’s company has been key in the success of this project placed at the service of citizens, with the ultimate objective that the expanded Ávila WWTP offers high-quality purification of the city’s water.